Cannabis Users Might Be Tipping the Scales in Their Favor, New Study Suggests

In a surprising twist that challenges the stereotype of the lazy, snack-munching stoner, a new study has found that regular marijuana users are less likely to be obese than their non-using counterparts. Yes, you read that right – lighting up might actually be associated with a slimmer waistline!
The study, soon to be published in the journal Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research, analyzed data from over 735,000 U.S. adults. The results? They’re pretty mind-blowing. People who had used cannabis in the past month were 31% less likely to be obese than non-users. Daily users? They were 32% less likely to be carrying extra pounds.
But wait, there’s more! The study found a “dose-response relationship” between marijuana use and BMI. In simpler terms, the more frequently people used cannabis, the lower their BMI tended to be. It’s like the universe is playing a cosmic joke on the “munchies” stereotype!
Now, before you trade your gym membership for a dispensary loyalty card, let’s pump the brakes a bit. The study’s author, Ray Merrill from Brigham Young University, is quick to point out that healthcare providers should weigh this potential benefit against the known health risks of marijuana use.
Interestingly, this isn’t the first study to hint at a link between cannabis and a healthier weight. Previous research has found that older adult cannabis users had lower BMIs at the start of an exercise study and engaged in more weekly exercise during the intervention.
But what about the stereotype of the couch-locked stoner? Well, other recent studies have been busy debunking that too. One study found that young to midlife adults weren’t more sedentary after using cannabis, and another linked marijuana use to an enhanced “runner’s high” and lower pain during exercise. Who knew?
As more states legalize cannabis and its use becomes more prevalent, the study suggests we might see a decline in obesity rates. However, it’s crucial to remember that correlation doesn’t equal causation. There could be other factors at play that we’re not seeing yet.
So, what’s the takeaway? While this study adds to a growing body of research challenging our assumptions about cannabis use, it’s not a green light to swap your veggies for vapes. As always, moderation is key, and it’s essential to consider the full picture of your health when making lifestyle choices.
Remember, whether you’re a cannabis user or not, the best path to a healthy weight still involves a balanced diet and regular exercise. But hey, if you do partake, you might just have an unexpected ally in your fitness journey!